Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Breakout EDU: Critical Thinking & Collaboration

Learners of all ages enjoy the critical thinking and collaboration used in Breakout EDU puzzles. I first used Breakout EDU with my staff as a team building exercise and to bring new ideas to their classrooms. Springtime in education can get routine and the kids and teachers Breakout EDU helps liven the lessons and teach valuable social skills. Bring Breakout EDU to your classroom and see and hear collaboration among your students. Jump in and visit their website at http://www.breakoutedu.com/welcome.

My first Breakout EDU with students was created for a two hour lesson. The first hour students learned about The Power of Yet during out Growth Mindset Camp. The second half was a Breakout session. The students had to solve critical thinking clues and use the skills they learned in the Growth Mindset Camp to free our beloved mascot, Eddy the YETi from the locked box. Read the story below that created the urge for the students to succeed in their mission.

"You almost completed your mission. Our beloved Eddy the YETi has been stolen and locked in the box. The citizens from CANTville don't want you to use your new growth mindset training. If you can decipher the clues, you will be be a growth mindset master and save Eddy the YETi!!"


 Our next Breakout EDU session was to introduce our next character trait: Trustworthiness. This one was used so our high school librarian could see a Breakout EDU session in action. Fun for all ages and great for all skill levels.  

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