Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Have you filled a bucket today? Yes I did!

Students read Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud and learned to be "bucketfillers" at school and home. Everyone has an invisible bucket that holds good feelings. You can fill someone's bucket by doing something nice for them, being kind and helpful, using good manners and following directions at school. All day long we can choose to be a bucketfiller or we can choose to dip into someone's bucket.
Have you filled a bucket today? Yes I did!

Student filled each others buckets and posted their notes in the hallway. 
Students were able to practice filling buckets during guidance lessons at their Character Stations. Look at the pictures below to see the great ways students are filling buckets at Guadalupe Elementary and William Wood Elementary. 

Pictures from Character Stations:

Students wrote lists of how to to be a bucketfiller and ways you could dip into someone's bucket.

Younger students made bucketfilling pictures with their playdoh.

Students reflected on ways to be a bucketfiller. Students used books to help them get ideas of different ways to they can be a bucketfiller throughout the community. 
 *Check back for more pictures!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy International Peace Day!

Guadalupe Elementary and William Wood Elementary are creating a No Place for Hate Coalition to encourage kindness and inclusion in our schools. Students will be signing the Resolution of Respect in October which is National Bullying Prevention Month. 

We are looking for parents to join the coalition and help coordinate the school wide activities needed in order to be recognized as a No Place for Hate School. Please contact Ann Castro at beth.johnson@visd.net  if you are interested in helping prepare for these activities. 

October: National Bullying Prevention Month
October 21st Unity Day
January: Mix It Up at Lunch 
January: No Name Calling Week
February: Random Acts of Kindness Week

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Congratulations Student Council Officers and Representatives!

Guadalupe Elementary Student Council 

President: Cameron Carter
Vice President: Stephanie Nunez
Secretary: Marc Lara
Historian: Gavin Frost
Treasurer: Sarah Williams

4th Grade Representatives: Alexis Lara & Kylen Ramsey
3rd Grade Representatives: Dayna Rippamonti & Cheyenne Kern
2nd Grade Representatives: Averi Blank & Ella Meik

William Wood Elementary Student Council

President: Cooper Kliem
Vice President: Hadley Livingston
Secretary: Owen Kliem
Historian: Lonny Sierra
Treasurer: Trapper Feurbacher

5th Grade Representatives: Jose Canales & Felicity Cooper
4th Grade Representatives: Gavin Borgohain & Bryton Stoebner
3rd Grade Representatives: Carlee Burow & Keegan Flores
2nd Grade Representatives: Alyssa Cantu & Kyndall Gray

Open House Tonight!

5:00 - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, September 15th 
Guadalupe Elementary
William Wood Elementary

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Student Council Class Representative Elections

Image result for student Council elections

Are you in 2nd - 5th grade?
Does this describe you?
·      Great attitude
·      Ready and willing to serve others
·      Great school spirit
·      Respectful
·      Great behavior
·      Responsible with my time and school work
If so, run for Student Council Class Representative!

William Wood Elementary Elections: September 11, 2015
Guadalupe Elementary Elections: September 14, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

TRRFCC Listening

What a great start to the 2015-2016 school year. Students at Guadalupe Elementary and William Wood have been learning about feelings, whole body listening through the Stop and Think Curriculum and we have focused on succeeding in life with  T.R.R.F.C.C. Character with some activities based on Character Counts.
Trustworthy Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
(T.R.R.F.C.C. is pronounced like the word"terrific")

Practice listening at home with your family:
1) Look at the person who is speaking
2) Use our ears to hear what is being said
3) Think about what is being said
4) Keep your mouth quiet and ask questions at appropriate times
5) Keep your hands in your lap or on the table
6) Keep your feet still and quiet.

Listening to your friends and family is part of having TRRFCC (pronounced 'terrific') Character. When you listen to your family or classmates you are being a good CITIZEN at home and at school. When you listen you are being CARING because you are thinking about what is being said. You are also being RESPECTFUL by hearing what the person wants to share. Your friends can depend on you and this shows that you can be TRUSTWORTHY friend. 

Guidance Gallery