Monday, December 12, 2016

Character Centers

Character Centers is an interactive way for the students to learn skills in the guidance curriculum as designated by the Texas Education Agency. Throughout the year the students are taught self-confidence, motivation to achieve, decision making, goal setting, communication skills, interpersonal skills, cross-cultural effectiveness, and responsible behavior. Student learn through these hands- on extension activities based on Stop & Think Decision Program, Kelso's Choices, and Character Counts. The following are pictures from some of the the fall semester Character Centers.

Students learn to respond to facial expressions based on empathy.

 Being a bucket filler helps you spread happiness and fill your own heart too! Younger students sort pictures, while older students write ways to be a bucket filler. 

Understanding and expressing emotions.

 Students write kind words to each other and express gratitude for each other's friendships. Some students also take this time to apologize to any misunderstandings or unkind actions within the classroom.

Learning to make good choices begins with recognizing good choices and bad choices. Students "Stop and Think" about different situations.

Younger students learn Kelso's Choices through a matching game. Playing games also teaches the students to play fair and take turns.

Students build their vocabulary and learn a variety of character traits and how to display each of those character traits.

The key to any friendship or relationship is communication. Students learn how to have "Heart Talk" or use "I Messages" to talk about problems with their friends or classmates. "Talking It Out" is one of Kelso's Good Choices to Decision Making. Practicing how to communicate helps students transfer this into real life opportunities for clear communication.

T.R.R.F.C.C. Awards: Caring

Students at Guadalupe Elementary were honored for the character trait of caring. Pat Kutach, former counselor at Guadalupe Elementary continues to display caring throughout the community after her retirement. She was welcomed back with huge smiles and spoke about how the students can spread kindness in their classrooms and at home. Congratulations students for representing kindness at Guadalupe Elementary!

The following video, One Day, shows how one person can make a ripple effect of kindness and boomerang back to the person that started it.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Aviator Character Education Awards: Caring

Students at William Wood Elementary were recognized for "caring" at the Aviator Character Education Awards. Victoria East Titan Baseball players presented the awards to the students. Thank you to the Victoria East Titan Baseball team for being models of character in our community. Congratulations to all of the award recipients!

The following video, One Day, shows how one person can make a ripple effect of kindness and boomerang back to the person that started it.