Monday, November 30, 2015

Building Self-Confidence & Courage

Building self-confidence in students leads to better friendships, school success, and a foundation for a positive future. To help students begin their own self reflection of their positive qualities we read The Tiny Snowflake by Arthur Ginolfi (K-2) and Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun: having the courage to be who you are  by Maria Dismondy. 

In the book, The Tiny Snowflake, Lacy (the tiniest snowflake) had a difficult time thinking of why she was special. Lacy was encouraged by a wise snowflake to think about why she was special. Lacy reminds readers throughout the book that everyone is different, but everyone is special. As students listened to to the story, they listened and tallied adjectives that were used to describe the snowflakes. 

Next, the students were asked to think of how they were special. We watched the following video by Will.I.Am and friends from Sesame Street to help brainstorm ways we can describe ourselves.  

After the video, students wrote descriptions of how they were special. Students were encouraged to share with their small groups ways that each of their group members were special. All their special qualities were written on one large snowflake for each group. All grade levels will be given the opportunity to make a snowflake. These will be displayed on our school bulletin board. 

Upper elementary students began the class by brainstorming different feeling words for a given situation. Their goal as a group was to encourage each other and listen to each other's ideas. They were given Dojo Points for teamwork, cooperation, and using kind words within their group. 

Students rated their group's achievement on a scale of 1-5 and as a group we discussed what worked in their groups. Through this reflection they found that taking turns and listening to everyone helped them achieve better quality work and a positive attitude about each other. 

The students found multiple words used to describe common feelings such as happy, sad, and mad. The students were then given "Happy" cards that had vocabulary that described specific occasions of happiness. There were post-its throughout the book Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun. Students pointed to the word on their paper that described how the main character was feeling in the book. Some of the words were new and needed explanation and the book provided an opportunity to share examples of these words and expand student vocabulary. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

The following essays were published in The Victoria Advocate.

I am thankful that my family has a job. If we didn't we would not be able to buy food or have shelter over our heads.

I am thankful for my family and friends. I'm thankful for family and friends because they get me through tough times. They also warm me up inside and pick me up when I'm feeling down because I have their back and they have mine.

I am thankful for my family and friends because they give me help when I need them and I know they have my back. I'm thankful for my teammates for both baseball and football. Each of them feels like a brother to me.

I am thankful for an educated teacher. Hopefully she can get me education and I can go to college and get a degree. I can become a good, educated man and I can get a really good job. But right now, I have a lot of years to go.

I'm thankful for my amazing family and how we work together and never give up even in tough times. I'm thankful for how my dad works his fingers to the bone to feed us and provide us with a home that my mom makes all cozy for us. I'm probably the luckiest kid on the face of this planet! There are children in the world who will never know the comforts that I have. God has truly blessed me with so much more than any kid could ever ask for. That's what I'm truly THANKFUL for in my life.

I'm thankful for my family and friends because they help me out with life. When I was feeling down my friends Clem, Ruben, Sarah, Jeremiah, Marc, Jamie, Macy, and Ernesto got me through some hard times.

I am thankful for my food that I eat. I am thankful there are no slaves in the U.S.A. I am also thankful for my family. They are the best that anyone could have. They are the best family to me.

I am thankful for my friends. They help me with everything. I am thankful for the food that I eat and shelter over my head. It really helps me more than anything.

I am thankful for the people that are not homeless give homeless people money, food, and water. I am thankful for baseball too. Thank you God.

I am thankful for my mom bringing me into this world. Ia m thankful fo rmy mom and step dad for giving me and my brothers and sisters food, clothes on my back, a roof over our head, and a bed for me to sleep on, and the rest of the money they spend on bills and toys, and other stuff. They are the nicest parents ever and only my parents. And that's what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for my friends, family, food, houses, and my life, but the thing I am most thankful for is the world!!! I am thankful for everything and everything I have! Hopefully everybody is thankful for something too. Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my family because they buy me clothes and they are nice to me.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Generation TX Week: Start planning your future today!

Generation TX Week 
November 16-20

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board developed a campaign to increase awareness and build support for the new college and career readiness standards, prepare students for all post-secondary education options, and clarify the application process for post-secondary admission and student financial aid. The higher education campaign, Generation TX is a statewide, grassroots movement focused on creating a culture of college and career readiness that leads to the most successful generation in Texas history. Visit for more information.

When do I start preparing for college? RIGHT NOW!!

  •      Serve others:  Start making a difference today and bring items for our Salvation Army food drive and Toys for Tots and help families in our community.
  •      Get involved and volunteer:  There are many opportunities to volunteer in the community. Colleges look for students that spend time volunteering. Ask your family how you can volunteer in your community.
  •      Explore college campuses online at
  •        Read! Read! READ! Fall in love with learning every day!   Visit the Victoria Public Library and get your own library card.

VISD will show their college pride on Wednesday, November 18th! Wear a college t-shirt or colors on GenTX Day!

Guadalupe Stars come to PJ's and Popcorn Reading Night on Tuesday, November 17th from 6 pm -7 pm. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Making Good Decisions and Choices

As part of our Stop and Think Curriculum, the students learn social skills. We have been reviewing listening and following directions and we are now focusing on asking for help and staying on task. Julia Cook's I Just Want to Do It My Way! was a great resource to remind students how to ask for help. Students are also learning about perseverance and the power of staying on task and ignoring distractions. Over the next few weeks we will be learning more about persevering through challenges and fun learning opportunities.
I Just Want to Do It My Way Poster Set

Stop and Think! K-2nd

Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade practiced the first two steps of good decision making. Step 1: Stop and Think! Step 2: Good choice or a bad choice? Students identified and sorted good and bad choices. Students then wrote or drew pictures of good and bad choices.

Stop and think! 3rd -5th 

Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade practiced making good decisions during Character Centers. Students first read a problem/situation and then go through the Stop & Think Steps as they work through making a good decision.

Stop & Think: A Guide to Good Decision Making

Students read a situation and use the following steps to make a good decision.

Step 1: Stop and Think

 Step 2: Do I want to make a good choice or a bad choice? 

Step 3: What are my choices (or steps)? 

Step 4: Do It! (Choose a good choice and do it.)

Step 5: Tell yourself "Good job!"

We Give Thanks!

We don't need a holiday to be thankful, but as Thanksgiving approaches we begin to be mindful of people and things that we often take for granted. Students in Kindergarten-2nd grade played a game as they added feathers to their and shared what they were thankful for with their group. Third grade through fifth grade wrote about what they were thankful for and were given the opportunity to write an essay and submit it to the Victoria Advocate for their essay contest. Click on the link if you would like to participate in the Victoria Advocate Essay Contest: We Give Thanks

Reading for Meaning

Students have the opportunity to read about bullying and identify parts of the story. As the students grow in learning more about problem solving and decision making, they will also grow in their ability to identify decision making skills in stories and books that they read. I look forward to seeing our students grow as readers, writers, and problem solvers.

Students in K-2 studied the facial expressions of characters in various books. Understanding facial expressions is one of the keys to understanding others and maintaining friendships. 

Students in K-1 also found pride in all the responsibilities and chores they could do at home. Our kindergarten students that are learning high frequency words also loved reading multiple sentences. They were shining confidence inside and out.