Problem solving and conflict resolution are key skills to successful friendships. We are learning to be problem solvers at GES & WWES using Kelso's Choices. Kelso's Choices teach young students how to be peacemakers in the classroom and at home. Students learned the difference between small problems and big problems that needs to be reported to an adult.
Examples of Big Problems: weapons, drugs, fighting, bullying
Examples of Small Problems: somebody repeating everything you say, somebody accidently making a pencil mark on your paper, two friends wanting to play two different games
Kelso's Choice Wheel teaches students that there are many different ways to solve a problem. Click on the following videos to learn more about problem solving and learning how you can use Kelso's Choices.
Problems and conflict happens everywhere. Check out Kelso's Parent Page and watch Beyond the Classroom to see how Kelso's Choices can help solve problems at home and in the neighborhood.
Let's work together to help our children work together and solve problems peacefully.
Remember: It's Your Choice Baby!
Kelso's Choice Wheel