Students read Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud and learned to be "bucketfillers" at school and home. Everyone has an invisible bucket that holds good feelings. You can fill someone's bucket by doing something nice for them, being kind and helpful, using good manners and following directions at school. All day long we can choose to be a bucketfiller or we can choose to dip into someone's bucket.
Have you filled a bucket today? Yes I did!
Students were able to practice filling buckets during guidance lessons at their Character Stations. Look at the pictures below to see the great ways students are filling buckets at Guadalupe Elementary and William Wood Elementary.
Pictures from Character Stations:
Younger students made bucketfilling pictures with their playdoh.
Students reflected on ways to be a bucketfiller. Students used books to help them get ideas of different ways to they can be a bucketfiller throughout the community.